What countries produce cacao?

What countries produce cacao?

Several countries around the world are involved in cocoa production. The following are some of the major cocoa-producing countries:

  1. Ivory Coast: Ivory Coast (Côte d'Ivoire) is the largest producer of cocoa globally, accounting for a significant percentage of the world's cocoa production.

  2. Ghana: Ghana is the second-largest cocoa producer globally and has a long history of cocoa cultivation.

  3. Indonesia: Indonesia is one of the top cocoa-producing countries, with a significant portion of its cocoa production coming from the island of Sulawesi.

  4. Nigeria: Nigeria is another significant cocoa-producing country, known for its high-quality cocoa beans.

  5. Cameroon: Cameroon has a strong cocoa industry and is known for producing both bulk cocoa and fine flavor cocoa beans.

  6. Ecuador: Ecuador is renowned for producing high-quality fine flavor cocoa, particularly the "Arriba" variety.

  7. Brazil: Brazil has a significant cocoa industry, with production centered in the northeastern region of the country.

  8. Peru: Peru is a notable cocoa-producing country, known for its fine flavor cocoa beans, including the Criollo variety.

  9. Dominican Republic: The Dominican Republic is a prominent cocoa producer in the Caribbean region, known for its fine flavor cocoa beans.

  10. Colombia: Colombia produces a range of cocoa varieties, including both bulk cocoa and fine flavor cocoa beans.

These are just a few examples of the many countries involved in cocoa production. The specific rankings and production volumes may vary from year to year due to various factors such as weather conditions, economic factors, and government policies.

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